
"The trouble with Jeff is that he lacks the power of conversation but not the power of speech."

George Bernard Shaw, paraphrased

It’s Alive! My Creation! It’s Alive!

This post will be reproduced in the About section for the future, but every blog has to start with one, and the journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step.

Hi there!

I’m Jay Law. This is my blog. You’re soaking in it.
It’s been forever since I first set this thing up in the early 2000s, and with the growth of social media, I let it fall by the wayside, and eventually dropped it entirely. All the cold content is gone. No matter. It’s a different world now, ain’t it?

A little about me? Sure.

I’m a Gen Xer from Western Massachusetts.
I’m cismale, hetero, demisexual.
I’m married and have two adults kids. They’re pretty fucking awesome.
I love the word “fucking.” Imma use it a lot.
My spouse is The Jen. We’re polyamorous. I have another partner. I don’t have a handle for her yet and I don’t know that she wants to be cited on social media by name.

I have an AA, a BA, and am a hiccup away from a completed MEd.
History is my discipline, with a focus on the 1840-1920 period, and progressive movements, the Civil War, and the Great War.
I’m licensed to teach, and want to, but can’t afford the pay hit to change careers.
I’m essentially a low-grade statistician for money. And I hate math, so there’s that.

I’m very left-leaning. Very.
I believe in wild and radical concepts like human equality across all strata of society, across the entire gender and sexuality spectrum, and stand against classism, social and economic stratification, and the hoarding of wealth by the 1%.
ANTIFA means Anti-Fascist, and if you don’t think that’s OK, I guess we know what you are.
BLM. ACAB. Her body, her choice.
DIAF if you disagree.

The Designated Hitter is the worst thing to happen to baseball since Lou Gehrig was felled by his namesake disease. The spread of it to the NL is like a metastasizing cancer.
Coffee is a human right.
“Bugs” are anything I don’t like.
I have little tolerance for the willfully ignorant. The stupid get a pass– it’s not their fault.
I used to be a Union Civil War reenactor, modern and 1860s vintage baseball player.
I gave up the former when too much right wing drivel entered the arena, and the latter when my body told me how old I was, repeatedly.
I tabletop RPG as a forever GM, though I haven’t done so much since ‘Rona beat my muse roundly with a 2×4 back in 2020. Seems like a fucking lifetime ago, don’t it?

I’m gonna put all kinds of twaddle on this blog. Whatever strikes my fancy. Political posts, pop culture commentary, gaming babble, historical articles… That kinda thing.

So yeah. That’s what I have to share for now. And this is me.
See you around, yeah?

2 Responses to “It’s Alive! My Creation! It’s Alive!”

  1. Huzzah!

  2. Thanks mate.
    It feels a little odd to be back on the standalone platform again, but also a bit liberating. Meta can just DIAF, yanno?